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Christmas mini session at a holiday Christmas tree farm family of three mom dad and baby girl laughing

Christmas MINI Sessions 2021 / Farmington, CT / New Hartford, CT

BOOK NOW What is a Christmas Mini Session? It's a short and sweet 15 minutes session, with a few decorations to bring up Christmas spirit. Who are these sessions best suited for?  Anybody really, but here are the ideas: Families, especially with the kids, whose attention spans are shortMaternityBaby milestones (3/6/9 months)CouplesKids portraitsSingle portrait (either for a child or for an adult, it would make a memorable gift)Pets What is included?  15 min session 5 edited high resolution digitals Print…

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family photography parents kissing the baby

Christmas Mini Session with a dog/ Farmington CT Photographer

When families with newborns come for sessions, it's always heartwarming and super cute. Their new baby euphoria hasn't yet evaporated, and their eyes are just shining with love and tenderness for each other. When you add their furry babies into the mix, the cuteness just flies through the roof! There are many reasons why do a Christmas Mini Session, besides creating life long memories, beautiful pictures for Christmas cards, and having fun. This lovely family had their own reason. When…

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Christmas mini session farmington ct

Christmas Mini Sessions 2019, Farmington CT!

Holiday Season is almost here, and with it, Christmas Mini Sessions! Whether you are looking to get beautiful and meaningful pictures for your heirloom Christmas cards, or follow a family tradition of Christmas portraits,  or merely feeling festive and want to celebrate your family and life in a meaningful way, a Christmas mini session is for you! It's a short and sweet 20 minutes photoshoot (sweet because there are cookies involved!.. and because your precious tiny models don't have enough…

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newborn photography baby girl in white bed with flowers side lying pose farmington ct

Traditional Newborn Photoshoot

I often get asked what's the difference between a traditional and lifestyle newborn session, and what's better. While it's easy to answer the first question, the second is really up in the air. Here, I will go into detail of what a traditional newborn session looks and feels like, and what you might expect. In the next blogpost, I will go over a lifestyle newborn shoot. Traditional Session 1. Posing. Traditional newborn photoshoots rely heavily on posing the baby in…

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cake smash black African American baby girl in white farmington ct with soap bubbles

5 Things To Expect From Cake Smash Photoshoot

While every birthday is important and is one in a lifetime event, first birthday is truly special. Probably, because it's more of a milestone for the parents than for the baby: they made it as parents, they survived, and the fruit of their love is now striving, crawling, walking, and demanding to be played with. Fist birthday is an official start of the end of the "baby phase": the cheeks are still plump, the lips are still pouty, the gait…

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baby cake smash first year photography Eric carle theme farmington CT hungry caterpillar baby in dish

Eric Carle Themed Cake Smash Session

Baby's first birthday is a big milestone not only for the baby but the parents as well. A couple more months and the baby will suddenly turn into a toddler, looking and snooping around, tasting, touching, trying everything and everybody, laughing contagiously and throwing tantrums, looking sweet and peaceful and sternly demanding his wishes granted. His or her personality will suddenly become more apparent, and it will be even more captivating to watch the child develop and slowly becoming him-…

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